General Dentist in Glenview, IL
For most adults, we recommend that you have biannual cleaning services and exams. During your visit, we are able to properly clean your teeth and check for any oral care issues to prevent a problem that can build up over time.
Our general dentistry services do encompass more than your regularly scheduled visits. We are also able to offer you gum disease treatment, bad breath treatment, oral cancer screening, saliva testing and dry mouth treatment.
Having a healthy mouth is not only important for your smile, but has other health benefits as well. There has been a link between gum disease and a higher risk for a stroke, heart attack and respiratory issues. Gum disease can also cause complications during a pregnancy and complications with diabetes.
No matter your situation, we want you to know that our team is here to help. We use state of the art technology that covers every aspect of Adult Dentistry. Whether it is time for your six-month checkup, or you feel that something is wrong, call our practice to set an appointment. We are here to help!